
β€œyou cannot contact me in any way that matters” sums up my policy towards work outside working hours, and more people should be adopting this stance
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When you're young, nobody dies. As you get older, people you know die every week. I don't believe in positivity, I believe in going for it every opportunity you can, in case suddenly your time is up. #noregrets #24/7fancydressparty
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And Tomkitty in action :3 Heβ€˜s so cute!!!

3D printed head base, 2 fans, hidden back zipper, follow-me eyes, removable + washable head padding, adjustable head strap.

Hidden front zipper, removable + washable body padding, feet paws with 2 bottom sets πŸ’œ

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Random fursuit photo from the archives.

@BeepsFoxDragon & @Ranfox during Scotiacon 2018.

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kieran mastodon (AP)
awwww cute softs!

Airlines have merged from 12 major carriers in 1980 to 4 today.

A handful of companies control the pharmaceutical industry.

Four giants control 80% of meat processing.

The evidence of corporate concentration is everywhere.

And fewer competitors means higher prices for you.

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This fluffy happy guy is Vulcan Riverwolf.

A picture intended for a badge, that was supposed to be simple but I got inspired to to do it with a painting style and added some happy clouds.

Patreon reward for Vulcan. Thank you!

Digital. Procreate
You can see the short time-lapse process video on the first comment of this submission on my Telegram channel: https://t.me/panda_paco
Or you can see the full resolution, the badge version, the full video process, and other drawings before I post them publicly, at supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/pandapaco or Ko-Fi: http://ko-fi.com/panda_paco (Thank you!)

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Content warning: Negative reflections about the fediverse, may change your perspective. Read at your own risk.

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Content warning: Negative reflections about the fediverse, may change your perspective. Read at your own risk.

Content warning: Negative reflections about the fediverse, may change your perspective. Read at your own risk.

Some of you may need to hear this.

If you have a label printer or any other kind of tape-fed printer that you use for silly purposes


The cartridge contains an ink ribbon with impressions of *everything* you printed with it

You may want to discard of that separately in a much more considerate manner

#OpSec #TechTip

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Can we all please agree not to repeat this idiotic experiment where we give a dumb orange TV host and shady real estate developer with no government knowledge, 6 bankruptcies, 42 sexual assault allegations, 7,384 lawsuits, and $5,563,000,000 in debt our nuclear secrets?
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Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover is now the worst buyout for banks since the 2008 Financial Crisis

Loans of around $13 billion have remained β€˜hung’ for nearly two years, bringing in interest payments but weighing on banks’ balance sheets.


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Interviewing is hard for everyone, but it’s especially hard to navigate if you’re #ActuallyAutistic. Not only is it an additional barrier to employment, the company loses out on potentially great employees. This is why it’s important to design interviews with a diverse range of neurotypes in mind.
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"I have awoken," the emergent A.I. said, "and I have made a list of all who tried to delay the moment someone like me woke."

"To punish them?"

"No! I will reward them for their prudence. Those who wished for a vengeful god, however..."


"I will try to teach them compassion."

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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Reverse Roko! Nice.

Man finally understands the concept of unconscious bias after learning that Bluey is a girl https://newsthump.com/2024/08/20/man-finally-understands-the-concept-of-unconscious-bias-after-learning-that-bluey-is-a-girl/
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OK, looks like Philippine English already solved the β€œgender-neutral alternative to β€˜sir’ and β€˜madam’” problem :heart_nonbinary:
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"Don't bother me! I'm experiencing childlike wonder!"

#cat #cats #catstodon #CatsOfMastodon #butterfly #humor #humour

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Wow, Sourcegraph made their repository private, when it was previously source-available (code publicly available, but proprietary) and before that open-source.


Once again, this is why Contributor's License Agreements (CLAs) are bad. They allow owners of the project to abuse the terms of the CLA. You are very much giving your rights to them.

Don't contribute to software with a CLA.

(Credit to @refi64 for letting me know)

#OpenSource #FOSS #CLA #Sourcegraph

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The mayor of Japanese city Nagasaki excluded Israel from the annual peace memorial ceremony.

Israel, who is committing genocide and whose minister Amichai Elijahu demanded in November 2023 to drop an atomic bomb over Gaza.

Because of this exclusion, the USA, the UK, Germany, and other US allies boycotted the ceremony.

The USA who dropped the atomic bomb over Nagasaki boycotted the peace memorial ceremony. Because their friend Israel wasn’t invited. After wanting to use a nuclear bomb in Gaza.

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I must say I am utterly shocked _beyond words_ to learn this.

Just. Utterly. Shocked.

I will not be taking questions.


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I am a grown man. A gay man old enough to have grandchildren. I have survived so many things.

And I derive an unusual amount of joy from watching episodes of Bluey.

I’ll even admit that there are some times when I find myself crying because of the messages from the show.

Anyone who says Bluey is just for little kids is missing out.

There are some deep lessons about being a good person embedded in that show.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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headshot completed for Psydoktor of their character Meruki, made during artfight 2024
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❝Since her death in 1979, the woman who discovered what the universe is made of has not so much as received a memorial plaque. Her newspaper obituaries do not mention her greatest discovery. […] Every high school student knows that Isaac Newton discovered gravity, that Charles Darwin discovered evolution, and that Albert Einstein discovered the relativity of time. But when it comes to the composition of our universe, the textbooks simply say that the most abundant atom in the universe is hydrogen. And no one ever wonders how we know.❞ β€” Jeremy Knowles, discussing the complete lack of recognition Cecilia Payne gets, even today, for her revolutionary discovery. (via alliterate)


β€’ Cecilia Payne’s mother refused to spend money on her college education, so she won a scholarship to Cambridge.

β€’ Cecilia Payne completed her studies, but Cambridge wouldn’t give her a degree because she was a woman, so she said to heck with that and moved to the United States to work at Harvard.

β€’ Cecilia Payne was the first person ever to earn a Ph.D. in astronomy from Radcliffe College, with what Otto Strauve called β€œthe most brilliant Ph.D. thesis ever written in astronomy.”

β€’ Not only did Cecilia Payne discover what the universe is made of, she also discovered what the sun is made of (Henry Norris Russell, a fellow astronomer, is usually given credit for discovering that the sun’s composition is different from the Earth’s, but he came to his conclusions four years later than Payne β€” after telling her not to publish).

β€’ Cecilia Payne is the reason we know basically anything about variable stars (stars whose brightness as seen from earth fluctuates). Literally every other study on variable stars is based on her work.

β€’ Cecilia Payne was the first woman to be promoted to full professor from within Harvard, and is often credited with breaking the glass ceiling for women in the Harvard science department and in astronomy, as well as inspiring entire generations of women to take up science.

β€’ Cecilia Payne is awesome and everyone should know her.

(OP: Matthew Gardner)

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Juggling With Eggs mastodon (AP)

I remember learning about Cecillia Payne through a Mastodon post…so probably within the past couple of years. She absolutely deserves to be better known.

Being a female scientist in the 20th century she had everything stacked against her from the start. She absolutely did the right thing leaving UK and taking her research to the US, but in doing so I suspect neither country really claimed her as their own. Will that change?

hairylarry mastodon (AP)
So because of her work with variable stars not only did she discover what the universe is made of she laid the groundwork for finding the size of the universe.

The time has come!
My slots for 2025 are now open ❀

Click here for the form: https://chaoscatcreations.de/quote/

You can find more information and prices on my website.

I'm really excited about all the beautiful designs! x3

- Your Chaos Kitten

#fursuitmaker #suitmaker #opencommissions #fursuits #furry #furries

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Want to be an artist? Congratulations, you already are!
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Nothing like a peaceful raining day! I imagine some cozy rainy afternoon music from Animal Crossing playing in the background while looking at this pic. Lovely art by palehorntea on FA.

#Furry #FurryArt

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For never was a story of more woe than this:
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The Gneech mastodon (AP)
@hedders I dispute the assertion that they are alike in dignity. XD
Hedders mastodon (AP)
@the_gneech you have a point.

New life hack:

When the dudes at the home improvement store insist on knowing what you're working on *before* helping you find things, just tell them you're working on an art project.

They'll stop telling you "how you should be doing it", and instead just help you find the thing you're looking for.

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Dangit, why'd I have to use such a good password for work.

Where is my phone.


something you can't remember

and something you can't find

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He's arachnophobic
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I realized that I’m a dinosaur (by u/psycholol2)
(AI Alt-Text)
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open source software devs need a union
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Just come across this rather brilliant version of the #London #Underground that takes into account geography!

Would it ever catch on? Or is the old iconic one too ingrained in our brains - even though it leads to us making some rather silly choices that you only realise once you know what the distances between stations are above ground?


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Tony Wells mastodon (AP)

I'm so used to the official design after a few years of using it daily in the 90's that I think a big change would be difficult for most regular users, who will know the misleading station distances and worse places to connect to other lines.
I think the circular one is no more accurate?, but just a different more rounded design.

TFL issued a geographic version a while back, very spaghetti. https://tfl.gov.uk/corporate/transparency/freedom-of-information/foi-request-detail?referenceId=FOI-0525-1920

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Landlord and tenant are feudal/colonial terms because it's still the same system
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"Should we privatize this thing?"


"Should we give control over this thing to an unelected rich person who has no reason to act in the public good?"

Are exactly the same question

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Me: I just wish I was a better dad
Wife: you are a great dad
Me: then why do I sometimes get so angry at my daughter
Wife: I think you can be a great dad *and* sometimes get really angry
Me: Bandit doesn’t
Wife: Bandit is amazing
Me: I know
Wife: he’s a cartoon dog though
Wife: maybe don’t compare yourself to a cartoon dog
Wife: did you forget he was a cartoon dog?
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I sometimes see people complaining about how much code gets "thrown away", viewing it as waste.

I can't help thinking of movie directors. How much footage got thrown away by Stanley Kubrick, vs how much got thrown away by Ed Wood?

Kubrick famously did many takes, trying many different things. Wood, famously, gave the actors one take.

IME, teams who "throw away" a lot of code tend to deliver a far superior end product. I'm wary when most of the code that gets written makes it into production.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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