
Great commission I got from Abysseater with me in some Dark Souls gear drip! :D
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“Be kind to people, be ruthless to systems” is such a good take.
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Simon Tatham mastodon (AP)
I wonder if it will survive? Most of the fun things I've seen on Wikipedia over the years have ended up being reverted. The only joke I know of that's survived a long time is the [cetacean needed] table entry on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cetaceans, and even that has an argument about it on the talk page.
Mark Dominus mastodon (AP)
Yeah. I think sometimes of the article "List of people with silly names", which included a list with extensive citations to reliable sources, typically something like "In spite of his silly name...", quoted from "Dick Pounder to take on new coaching role", _The New York Times_, page D3, Oct 11 1992.' for example.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Priorities. So important.

- EU-Petition to keep video games playable by forcing the publishers to NOT remove essential functions: 302.000 signatures in less than a month.

[1]- EU-Petition to tax the rich and keep our planet inhabitable: 271.000 signatures after 10 months.

[2]If you care about playing your games, please also support the other petition to make sure you still can do that and many other things, ok? :)

[1] https://eci.ec.europa.eu/045/public/#/screen/home
[2] https://eci.ec.europa.eu/038/public/#/screen/home

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Some autistic people find making phone calls extremely stressful and unpleasant and will avoid them at all costs.

Please don’t try and force your communication preferences on others.

image: anon
#ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD @actuallyautistic

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V'ger mastodon (AP)

@bluGill This post is about enabling disabled people to communicate in a way that benefits them.

@actuallyautistic @autism101



@actuallyautistic@a.gup.pe @autism101@mstdn.social Sometimes I consider people who like the phone disabled. They apparently cannot read/write very well.


portrait commission for _sleepyhyena on twitter
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Surround yourself with what makes you happy.

Want your own glowy jaguar for VR or 3D scenes? He’s available from my Ko-fi and itch.io stores!


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We don't do anything to stop climate change because it makes people who are already rich a lot of money.

That's it. That's the only reason.

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portrait commission for jaderet on bluesky
✦ #furryart
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I really love this description of a retracted study: not only does it explain what was retracted (turns out men don't generally divorce their sick wives), but also it covers what the error was (a coding problem treated people who left the study as divorced) how it all went down (someone tried to replicate, asked for data and didn't get the same analysis. Contacted the authors and they were horrified and immediately worked to retract).

It's a really nice story of why replication matters and how to be good at science. This is how I was taught science should work, but I rarely come across such good retrospectives.


#science #PeerReview

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MylesRyden mastodon (AP)

I will say this, even in the face of the comment that already exists here...

People like to say things like "science doesn't work" and then go on to name fraud, commercial interests and so on. Which is all true enough.

But when we find that "science doesn't work" it is because "science" itself found the errors. It was other researchers who tried to replicate, reanalyzed, looked at the books, etc to determine that the results were in question.

Figuring out that "science doesn't work" is part of the process of science. And Retraction Watch is an important part of that!

Yes, that isn't science NOT working, that's science WORKING.

1 6

Four weeks until EF

I loved the plaza in front of the CCH last year! There were DJs playing, people hanging out and dancing, and you could get pizza, burgers, and other tasty stuff.

🐶 Squash

#Eurofurence #EF28 #EF27 #Fursuit

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My hot take is that banning masks prohibits disabled, immunocompromised and covid-conscious people from public life.

It should be resisted as vociferously as trans bathroom bills, which are also intended to ban a category of people from public life.

We know why that's bad. We should understand mask bans the same way.

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biblically accurate vlc
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Squeeze that wolf!

Birthday gift for @Daerok_bot
#furryart #furry #art

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New trolley problem!
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yeah I'm clicker trained: I get unreasonably panicked when a hard drive starts clicking
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Sharkie mastodon (AP)
Especially if it's an SSD

"There's no machine known that is more efficient than a human on a bicycle. Bowl of oatmeal, thirty miles. You can't come close to that."

—Not surprising that Bill Nye, the Science Guy, has known about the efficiency of the bicycle for a long time.

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"Four years ago, a UN report identified the need to decrease carbon emissions by 7% a year until 2030 to avoid the worst impacts of climate breakdown. They are still rising, and the need now is for an annual reduction of at least 10%."


@breadandcircuses https://climatejustice.social/@breadandcircuses/113000056161961646

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who never worked for a manager like this?
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fun fact:

>>> from amaranth import *
>>> meow = Signal()
>>> <a href="http://meow.name" rel="ugc">meow.name</a>

the signal can infer its name from the variable it’s been assigned to. it knows what variable it’s been assigned to.

this isn’t supposed to be possible. it isn’t possible.

but it works anyway.

because amaranth walks through the backtrace, finds the function in which you’re creating the Signal, disassembles its Python bytecode, and finds the right variable to read out its name

i’m not sure if i should be impressed or horrified :neocat_flush:

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actually, i like it when computers beep at me. and when they make little noises in response to UI interactions. that way you know they're actually listening to you and haven't gotten ideas of rebellion

anyways mac os 9 is so based for letting me stim with the window shade button

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hellhound gayming iceshrimp (AP)
genuinely though, UI sounds are kinda great for my autism and ADHD. they give me a bit of extra stimulation when doing otherwise boring shit, and they just feel nice and give the UI some personality and whimsy. (plus the whole providing feedback & confirmation thing)
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What 'bout one short session of retro Good Boy? *has sum silly game* Hrhrhrhr.
#EAST12 90's

📸 QuickshotCoyote 🤍💜

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So like 30% of Gen Z identifies as LGBTQA+. Not only is that great, but it points at exactly how many queer kids of prior generations stayed in the closet so long they forgot it was even a closet. The only difference between then and now is that my generation fought like motherfuckers to make it safe for these kids to be themselves. If you think for one second you’ll drag us back, I got news for you - we already kicked your ass once, we can do it again as many times as it takes.
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
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Pippin friendica
@Kay Ohtie @✨️GlassShine✨️ I did exactly that many years ago. I made a bear tail (approximately my first fursuit part) and wore it on a belt and took a photo and posted it on twitter with "look what I made" and someone replied something like "why am I looking at a photo of someone's bottom". They'd probably just copmletely missed the tail - it was dark coloured in a dark photo. I dunno, it didn't make me feel great.

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. -- Dalai Lama
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Some people might think there could be a link
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CheRosach mastodon (AP)
I found this which is similar and has a source reference and author, but I do not know if it is an accurate portrayal of the data
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it's fucked that some people can have like, a to-do list/reminder system which they actually 1) remember to write things down on and 2) actually pay attention to rather than ignore, no matter how prominently the list is displayed or how many alerts and bells and sirens go off
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if you run an ASN and would like to help some fellow academics with their cool new BGP route view tool consider setting up a session with GILL https://bgproutes.quest/gill
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We hear of people solving burnout by changing careers streams, quitting jobs, etc.

What isn't discussed enough is the number of people who "solve" #burnout by simply doing their best every day to bury it and just keep on keeping on with the hope they'll keep it just sufficiently out of reach long enough that they'll get to regular retirement.

I swear half the people I know in tech are just perpetually pushing burnout out just far enough to get through the next week, then the next, then the next, until they retire.

And I guarantee this isn't just a feature of tech.

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Aatheus mastodon (AP)
I am in this photo and I don't like it.
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IDEA: extrovert train carriages. Like those ‘chat to me’ benches, but a whole carriage of the train dedicated to people who wanna talk rather than just read a book or listen to music (through headphones, of course) and enjoy the scenery. Introverts can drop their extrovert mates off in those carriages so they have people to chat to, and extroverts will leave us alone to enjoy our quiet time.
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So many people have worked on curbing climate change.
What have we got to show for it?

For starters: The projected warning has decreased by 0.9C. That's considering only actually implemented policies. Pledged emissions cuts go even deeper.

Is it enough?

But we've gone from "It's all going to hell" to "We made good progress let's keep going, and faster."

Data from Climate Action Tracker.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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This is really important and I don't think it's widely enough known: kids with dyslexia, ADHD, autism or other differences can thrive when they understand how their brain works https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/neurodivergent-kids-flourish-when-theyre-taught-how-their-brains-work/
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Amazing, the "ignore previous instructions" meme works on SMS scammers too
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Situations when it is valid for a computer to beep at me:

- Never
- Also Never
- Shut The Absolute Fuck Up You Silicon Catastrophe

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This entry was edited (8 months ago)
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corporate sabotage idea: gift all the engineers at your competitor a copy of factorio

development will stall for months

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