
Tilondrion mastodon (AP)
Time to fly into this weekend like dragons do!
📷 @cleanerwolf 🧵 @DireCreatures ⛰️ Ringberg
#FursuitFriday #Fursuit #Furry #dragon
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Girl on the Net mastodon (AP)

Fun fact: the code which took Apollo 11 to the moon is available on github https://github.com/chrislgarry/Apollo-11/blob/master/Luminary099/LUNAR_LANDING_GUIDANCE_EQUATIONS.agc#L179

And if you look through it you'll see that - joyfully - it also includes original comments.

My absolute favourite thing about the Moon Code is that it includes comments like this: "TEMPORARY - I HOPE HOPE HOPE"

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Girl on the Net mastodon (AP)
I just think it's fun to be reminded that not only are humans pretty cool and brave and badass, making it to the literal moon with technology that was less advanced than the phone you carry in your pocket, but that at least part of that was held together by work that was 'TEMPORARY - I HOPE HOPE HOPE'.
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Snepshots mastodon (AP)

"The Stare"

Character: Shangfudog
Suit: Clockwork Creatures

#Fursuit #Portrait #FursuitFriday
#FuDog #FooDog #Blue #Stare
#LookingAtViewer #CrossedArms
#Photography #StudioPortrait #Studio

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Let’s enjoy the official unofficial last weekend of summer :3

#FursuitFriday #fursuit #fursuiter #furry

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Study: Scrolling for Less Than 8 Hours a Day Increases Risk of Missing Cool, Funny Posts
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Cont Dracŵla mastodon (AP)

Remember when you could just buy a newspaper for like $1 at a shop?

Imagine if you went to the newsagent and they were like “$25 please”

“Huh? That’s steep”
“Oh that gives you a month of access”
“I don’t want a month of access, i want a newspaper”
“We’ll also flyer your house every day”
“I don’t care, I just want a newspaper. Today’s newspaper”
“You also get access to our other newspapers in other towns”
“I don’t care, I want a newspaper for here, today”
“Oh it’s not just for today. It’s for a month. And three months after”
“Wait, what happens after that, is that it over?”
“LOL of course not. It’s $35 a month after that”
“What? Why?”
“Introductory offer. Also we’ll tell a bunch of other companies where you live and THEY’LL flyer you too”
“Know what, it’s fine, I don’t need a paper”
“I’ll send you a reminder in a week”

And they wonder why online news makes no money.

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Kendra Allenby, https://www.kendraallenby.com/
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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Pippin friendica
When I got home at 6am today, this is what things looked like. Nice sunrise. Oh no, it's not the sun, it's a street lamp. 😛

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Pippin friendica
My parents are downstairs watching Hello Dolly, and when a certain song starts all I can think of is Wall·E.

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Xoa Gray mastodon (AP)
I've spoken in the past about how digital dependence is a bad thing, and that we should even if we don't use them all the time have the ability to function without things like computers and smartphones as an option. And everyone should familiarize themselves with how they'd get by without these things. We are never more than an errant solar flare, a malicious hack, or the actions of a rogue nation away from things like the internet becoming useless.
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Xoa Gray mastodon (AP)
This is far from the only threat to our relatively fragile internet, but it is debatably the most immediate one. But regardless, it's a good idea to get the addresses of friends and family, brush up on your hand writing, and make a plan for how you'd function without internet. Because when that happens, the world won't stop turning, and you'll have to be ready to function in it.
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Delta Wye mastodon (AP)

Would email still work?

I know one person overseas I could write to, and they could contact other folks.

It would be wild to have a “paper internet”.

Xoa Gray mastodon (AP)
@DeltaWye If there's no internet, then no, email probably wouldn't work.
At last not as it does right now. There might be some satellite comms between nations if they weren't taken out, but it would doubtless be slow and limited compared to the current setup. It might even be restricted as to who could use it either by price, or priority of need.
"Paper internet" I don't think I've ever heard anyone refer to mail as that before. Not that weird though, back in the 90's that's just what was.
Delta Wye mastodon (AP)
Yeah I was just thinking about really low-bandwidth use via satellites and other routing, but millions of people sending emails would turn into a lot of bandwidth.
Xoa Gray mastodon (AP)
@DeltaWye Yeah, I could see a setup like that getting bogged down pretty easy. Antarctica has to use a similar setup and like when McMurdo is busy in the summer, they have to shut off the general use Wifi because their internet connection gets too bogged down to do any work. And that's only a couple hundred people.
Xoa Gray mastodon (AP)
@DeltaWye it's kind of interesting to think that all this digital dependency only started in the late 2000's. Before that most things were still done on paper. We're only about 20 years into the "digital revolution". But it's been long enough that an entire generation has made it to adulthood that has never used a typewriter, barely knows how to write because they use a computer for everything, and would feel crippled in a world without internet.

QR code for #EICAR (antivirus test file)

ROT13 decode command to make EICAR test file on demand... Enjoy 😺

printf "%s" 'K5B!C%@[url=https://infosec.exchange/users/nc]nc[/url][4\CMK54(C^)7PP)7}$RVPNE-FGNAQNEQ-NAGVIVEHF-GRFG-SVYR!$U+U*' | tr '[A-Za-z]' '[N-ZA-Mn-za-m]' >EICAR<br>
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lori mastodon (AP)

I finally set up AI error detection for my 3D printer recently and it just detected its first print failure and like...if THIS is all the modern AI trend was, I would be extremely enthusiastic about it.

It's extremely low stakes stuff, if it gets it wrong with a false positive (because AI gets shit wrong all the time) then the worst thing that happens is I get a notification I can ignore. If it gets it wrong with a false negative then...it's not any different than how things were before setting it up where I might notice a bit late that it came detatched when I check in on it.

This is really the problem with modern AI tools, I would be on board with a lot of these systems if they followed one principle: "is this a use case where it's perfectly fine for a computer to guess wrong". A whole lot of modern AI tools cause a LOT of problems when the computer guesses wrong. But there are absolutely use cases where a computer guessing something wrong is not really harmful in any way and in those cases AI tools can be really useful.

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lori mastodon (AP)

I've had this conversation here before but machine translation is really the one that gets me the most.

Because machine translation is extremely, extremely useful for low stakes stuff like this. I use it all the time for like...just quickly translating a document to skim for a piece of information, and knowing that it may be slightly off, but probably in a way where I can tell, and if I'm wrong then it's not a huge deal anyway.

A video game walkthrough is a great example. Or like...I once bought an RPG supplement book that was in Spanish because it was for a game that had almost no supplemental material (fan or otherwise). I dumped the PDF's text into a doc and machine translated it to English. It didn't matter that it got some things wrong here and there, or had a really hard time translating one particular word that came up a lot, because...it's an RPG supplement. I really just needed the broad story beats and some monster data and whatever. I'm ad libbing it all. I'm sure it's more beautifully written in Spanish, but since I can't read it, that was my option. And if the translation was wrong...it didn't really matter since in the end I successfully ran these scenarios and we had a good time.

The problem is, as always, the use cases. People don't want to just use machine translation for personal information gathering. I'm sure there's people who would think it's acceptable to have dumped that same PDF into Google Translate and tried to sell it, even though it was a mess not fit for commercial use. That's very different than me choosing to do that on my own, knowing the pitfalls. And god forbid you use machine translation to do something like moderate non English posts on your fedi instances or try to guess if some Japanese celebrity is being transphobic or not based on machine translated tweets.
Especially given the way gendered terms work--or don't work and don't exist in some cases--in Japanese, Google Translate will make up pronouns on its own all day long, I've seen people accuse Japanese people of transphobia based on using the wrong pronouns when the Japanese post didn't USE pronouns, Google just invented some.

I'm not someone who thinks that AI and LLMs and whatever have no functional use at all. There's a lot of times they can be useful tools. The problem is that in our current landscape they almost never ARE, and even when the tools are useful people keep using them in ways that are super not suitable.

In a way, LLMs are the lawn darts of technology. In theory lawn darts could be played with totally safely. Everyone follows safety precautions, everyone makes sure nobody can enter the play area, only adults ever play with them. In reality, what happens is that kids play with them and get hit with them and go to the hospital.

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Cy ActivityPub
They're lawn darts that you can only throw with the use of that giant concrete building they put down on top of farmland and fragile ecosystems over there, which is glowing red with the heat it's emitting. Say, you didn't need to drink that water, did you? Momma's gotta cool her processors!

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sirlan <( rawrr ) sharkey (AP)
adorable and huggable in both 3d and 2d

doskel akkoma (AP)
this looks like a pretty nice font
happy to see it! https://www.suse.com/c/introducing-suse-typeface-new-open-sourced-font/
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#Linux is magic. Here are some tools I recently encountered that work only on Linux due to the aforementioned magic -

Inspect a command's effect before committing it to the filesystem - https://github.com/binpash/try

Box up misbehaving applications, forcing them to put files into the right place - https://github.com/queer/boxxy

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Olivia Montoya mastodon (AP)

I've learned over time that neurotypicals generally don't understand the impact of executive dysfunction from #ADHD. I've found that being a little more blunt can help. I tell them that having ADHD is like having inconsistent and unreliable free will.

Because that is literally what it is like for me.

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Olivia Montoya mastodon (AP)

Though neurotypicals are sometimes hesitant to believe that anyone can truly live like this, because it tends to interfere with core beliefs about free will and "everyone can pull themselves up by their bootstraps"

Getting non-disabled people to understand that some people literally cannot do a thing sometimes no matter how hard they try is a key challenge of disability activism. Because if they accept that, they'd have to challenge core beliefs about society and capitalism working

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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Software architecture hot tips:
- Good things are better than bad things, except when they're not
- Also nothing is good or bad
- It depends
- The answer to every question is "it depends", except for when it doesn't. It depends
- Name three things you like. You can't have them at the same time
- No.
- There are many definitions of software architecture, but none of them are correct
- There's no such thing as software architecture
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Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
@nonspecialist I thought you were describing moderating a chat group for a moment there...
@philpem there are several similarities, yes

Una Panthera mastodon (AP)

Let’s go enjoy the nice weather together! ^^

📸 by CaffeineRed_ on X

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Pippin friendica

This is pretty amazing, actually. Now that I've caught up, that's gone straight into my RSS aggregator, that has. And an update every day? Wow.

Okay, putting it out for all who want to read:

I'm writing a fantasy novel. It's very isekai, inspired by countless anime I love to watch.

Currently at 36 chapters and will continue with a new chapter EVERY SINGLE DAY forever, or until I stop.


Axiom mastodon (AP)

Thanks! Yep, EVERY DAY, minimum 500 words, often far more.

At least, that's the goal. Glad you're enjoying, have a blast. :)


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Jarrett Walker mastodon (AP)
If there are going to be climate-justified subsidies for owning electric cars, there should be subsidies for not owning cars at all.
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TundraWolf mastodon (AP)

Content warning: UK Politics

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Cyberpunk Librarian mastodon (AP)
A kindred spirit right here, lads.
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MAGIC____ mastodon (AP)
As an ex-librarian, yes please. go support your local libraries. they've only evolved in the decade+ that i've been in that job.
Cy ActivityPub

Just wish they hadn't evolved into glorified child care centers. They've been doing more in recent years, but they still have that ball and chain, which really makes things difficult.

CC: @CyberpunkLibrarian@hackers.town

kcarruthers mastodon (AP)
🤦‍♀️ «Boris Johnson apparently had no clue what Brexit actually was until 25 September 2020» via Julien Hoez
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#ai #generativeAI
Edit: went back and found my friend that originated the quote from Facebook.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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Finny 🔜 VF2025 mastodon (AP)

i’m working on de-optimizing a project

the original dev built it with this ridiculous idea that we’d have millions of total users and tens of thousands of simultaneous users

in actuality it’s an internal tool used by like three people, and that’s all it was meant to be

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Andrew mastodon (AP)

The English water companies are demanding more money from the public after decades of neglecting infrastructure, taking on huge loans and paying out equally huge dividends.
What the water companies have done is taken away our human right to clean drinking water and in the process essentially committed theft at a large scale


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TheZoq2 mastodon (AP)
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Finn Voorhees mastodon (AP)

Apple Repaired My iPhone Screen, But Now My Social Media Account Is Banned

How taking my phone in for an AppleCare-covered replacement got me banned from Snapchat, and how it could happen to you too.


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Never forget what they’ve taken from you
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Stephanie King mastodon (AP)
UPDATE: Yes, I have now officially cited "ChatGPT Is Bullshit" in my scholarly work
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Q ✨ mastodon (AP)

King Calyo Delphi mastodon (AP)

Have a meme I made myself a long time ago

#UI #UX #UXdesign #UIdesign

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Hilyas mastodon (AP)


Say hi to the newcomer to our fandom! This is my commissioner's first art he got!

#furry #art #furryart #artwork #avali

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