Hey UK/EU based #fursuit builders/makers; are there any good places to get foam for fursuits? All the tutorials I have are pretty US centric and I'm having a hard time finding stuff to use!
fursuit supplies sorted out, thanks for suggestions!
Want to try and at least make myself a Renamon partial for next year
Been looking up tutorials and I think I can do this. Gonna look into getting some materials soon!
Already got an idea of what I want to make (head, paws, and tail) and how to do it. Also already got a Renamon head base!
XPS Styrofoam board 40 x 29 x 5 cm - 1 / 2 / 3 pieces, Carving Foam, FOAM blocks | eBay
eBay@kevin upholstory foam is the usual stuff to go for because it's gotta be able to bend and iirc styrofoam is really dense/firm and is gonna retain heat a lot.
Managed to find a couple of UK places reccomended by some makers. :)