Our water boiler doesn't have a way of monitoring the temperature in the hot water tank, so I'm gonna solve that myself with a temperature prob and a small Linux box.
I'd like to take a temperature reading every so often (haven't decided on what frequency yet) and have the results displayed in a graph viewable over http from the comp.
Any suggestions for showing that in the simplest way possible?
Jeez this took an age to get working but it's done!
A DS18B20 1-wire temperature probe connected to a RPi 3A+, monitoring the temperature of the water in the hot water tank (as best it can; it's just touching the outside of the tank).
Data collection and display is being done by Munin (thanks @darac for the suggestion!) node on the Pi, master on my home server.
Monitor temperature and humidity with Grafana and Raspberry Pi
Antonio Calero Merello (Grafana Labs)@fatedfox I’m still trying to make head or tail of Docker myself at the minute. Portainer CE looks like it simplifies it quite a bit- I just set it up an hour or so ago.
So far so good?