
Our water boiler doesn't have a way of monitoring the temperature in the hot water tank, so I'm gonna solve that myself with a temperature prob and a small Linux box.

I'd like to take a temperature reading every so often (haven't decided on what frequency yet) and have the results displayed in a graph viewable over http from the comp.

Any suggestions for showing that in the simplest way possible?

Fated Snowfox mastodon (AP)
@fatedfox I had seen this when searching but I've found docker to be pretty confusing/my brain can't parse it well, so had discounted it. I'll keep it in mind though, thank you! :)
Auri :kirby_sleep: mastodon (AP)

@fatedfox I’m still trying to make head or tail of Docker myself at the minute. Portainer CE looks like it simplifies it quite a bit- I just set it up an hour or so ago.

So far so good?

Fated Snowfox mastodon (AP)
Have a chat with @abby - she's amazingly good with Grafana and making dashboards. She might have some insights for you :)
Darac Marjal mastodon (AP)
Maybe munin?
@darac I think that's exactly what I'm looking for, thank you! :D
Pippin friendica
I tend to shove the data points into an RRD and use CGP or something to make graphs, but there are probably much easier wrappers for RRDtool nowadays. I tend to dislike wrappers and do things very very "oldskool", I'm not sure why I like to make things hard for myself. Which could be why I have a load of stuff that is pretty reliable but looks like absolute sh*t. 😛
Pippin friendica
Oh, and for said shoving I tend to use collectd.

Jeez this took an age to get working but it's done!

A DS18B20 1-wire temperature probe connected to a RPi 3A+, monitoring the temperature of the water in the hot water tank (as best it can; it's just touching the outside of the tank).

Data collection and display is being done by Munin (thanks @darac for the suggestion!) node on the Pi, master on my home server.

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Fated Snowfox mastodon (AP)
@darac Congrats! That kind of stuff is a struggle for me as well, you did a good job! :)
Pippin friendica
@Epoxy / Renby 💜🏳️‍⚧️ @Darac Marjal Oooh. I've had the itch to have something like that sometime, monitoring temperatures (water, rooms, outside) and currents (solar panel generation, import/export, and perhaps individual circuits too) but I never have the energy to even start on a project these days. Impressive that you've done it! :)
Phil M0OFX hometown (AP)
Nice work! It's probably not far off the temperature of the water, to be fair. After all, the tank is metal.