
Pippin friendica

Kinda want to go back to when the furry fandom was small and I knew, or had at least heard of, almost everyone in it. I feel kinda lost in it these days.

So, today is osprey hatchday, and though it was the two days before that we went to #furway, it was like getting a great gift to be with so many nice floffs. We got to meet some old friends that we have not seen in "forever", and meet some new people with all sorta odd tails.

The meet brought back memories of the "long forgotten" Eurofurence#4, and it was nice to again be at a "smallish", camplike con.

The #furry fandom has been an integral, lifesaving part of my life since I stumbled over it in '94, but life getting in the way and the fandom growing at an insane rate has made us feel a bit alienated from a lot of the new crowd.

Furway felt very inclusive and friendly, much like how things were in the early days of the fandom.

And some peeps told me some very sweet stuff that meant a lot to hear. Apparently I was not as forgotten as I thought.

Albatross also brought her costume, will post pics of her later :)

#Fursuit and I know it is not #fursuitfriday but heck, were too busy being there then :P

The problem today is that if you start out with a small meet, it'll either get lost in the seas of other small-ish meets with like 15 to 20 people, or rapidly escalate into a function with hundreds of attendees and you've essentially got a convention from 10-15 years ago on your hand. It's the sheer numbers that are doing this, and people coming from all kinds of backgrounds instead of the university/IT inclined crowd of the 1990s Internet.