
Pippin friendica
Hmm. Any recommendations for UK energy billing providers, or any to stay the heck away from? (From the small amount of searching I've done so far, Octopus Energy seems a reasonable choice and I'd like to sanity-check that. My parents have always used British Gas, but I don't see any particular reason to go with that choice just because "it's always been that way"!)
Ret the Folf mastodon (AP)
yeah I'm hearing decent things about Octopus. Might look at switching over when I get a moment.
Ghost mastodon (AP)
@ret we’ve been with octopus for years, had a few technical issues (yay beta tariffs) which have sometimes taken a while to resolve but they’ve always been very fair and decided in our favour if there was a discrepancy. Naturally got a mutual referral code if either of you would like it :)
Pippin friendica
@Ghost @Ret the Folf Oh, yes please, thank you. I've signed up now but apparently can still add a referral code. We may as well get some free money out of them. 😉
Ghost mastodon (AP)

@ret oh wow, didn’t realise it applied retroactively, but here you go if it works, will add to the 28p profit I’ve made from charging my car today 😜

Full disclaimer given kink context, it will show me the name on the account (and nothing more) when you use it. That does not go anywhere beyond my eyeballs, if I even notice it with how forgetful I am, but transparency is everything.


Pippin friendica
@Ghost @Ret the Folf No problem, and likewise if it transfers any identifying information in my direction. 🤗
Ghost mastodon (AP)
@ret certainly appears to have worked :)
Pippin friendica
@Ghost @Ret the Folf The only thing I'm seeing from this end is that the box to enter a referral link has gone! I assume I wait until my first payment to find out if it's worked. 🤷‍♂️
Ghost mastodon (AP)
it’s still showing for me, with a status of “switch in progress” so probably just a lesser used UI bug I suspect
Ghost mastodon (AP)
seems it wasn’t a bug, had an email this morning confirming the referral, so hopefully you got your £50 as well
Pippin friendica
@Ghost Yep, I had two emails from them this morning, one a reminder I'm having the meters replaced with smart ones on Monday, the other saying I have 50 quid credit! Looks like they finally took the first payment, which is apparently what that was waiting for. 😊
Ghost mastodon (AP)
superb! Hopefully the smart meter upgrade goes well and it actually connects, which can be a rarity