I just realised there's a really amazing example of not deadnaming (or mispronouncing the name of) even your worst enemy.
The Nazis.
I've heard recordings of Winston Churchill and others pronouncing it "nah-zee", which was apparently the usual English pronunciation at the time. But we've since switched to "naht-si", which is apparently much closer to the proper German pronunciation.
So if, as a(n English-speaking) society, we can make specific changes to correctly pronounce the name of the most vile, hated group in history, I think we can do it for just about everyone else.
Content warning: CW: mentions Nazis and deadnaming.
From what I was told, the original pronunciation is a joke in Czech and is a mangling of how 'NS' would have been said in that language in the late 1930's, so that it sounds sufficiently like 'empty head'. It became corrupted because it was seen written down by people who did not know the origin of the name. In some quarters you will even hear 'Na Zee' and 'Naz i'.
I think that 'empty head' is no where near strong enough, but it's a good starting point from which to develop an adequate description.
(This post has been edited to insert a missing word)