
Pippin friendica
Wow. I just sat down and got 1500 words done on my Indigo Park fanfic. That never happens!
TundraWolf mastodon (AP)
And yet it did today! Go you!
Pippin friendica
And apparently that was it for a fortnight. No more progress, haven't even thought about it since. Probably not surprising as I've been incredibly busy and worrying about the future existence of my business and all that kind of stuff. I keep wanting to write stuff here about what's been going on but I never get round to it. The worst bit, maybe, is how I spend time minecrafting or reading my timeline even though I have too much other stuff to do, just because I can't handle how much stuff I've got to do any more, and/or I'm too tired to really get on with anything because I spend time late at night playing or trying to catch up on my timeline and make myself too tired to do work the next day, which then leads to more time spent on junk the next night and so on. And also spending too much time doing housework-type work or parent-looking-after work instead of work-type work. -.-