
Pippin friendica

I just finished logging into eight different Twitter accounts (all of which had 2-factor of one kind or another on them, so were fairly safe anyway) and changing all their passwords. Including one account I created back in 2011 or something and have literally never got round to using. I'm not sure I can even remember what it was going to be for, now, although I'm sure I had a project in mind for the account name. I know, I should probably just delete them all, but I hate deleting stuff, probably for the same reason my living space is jammed full of stuff I haven't used yet (but absolutely definitely will someday). At least with fresh passwords they should be safe to leave alone for now.

if you somehow still have a twitter account make sure to change your password, and any shared passwords. they just got hacked

@Jessica eh, until I see more evidence/proof, sounds like a scrape of previously already known about stuff and there's no passwords/MFA included: "The leaked data includes email addresses, names, and Twitter account details"
Pippin friendica
@GrumpSec Spottycat @Adderall girl grindset (Jes) True, although it may have included stuff they didn't mention. (Of course, if it included password hashes it may have also included TOTP secrets). Either way, not a bad thing to go through and check I still had access to them all. And refreshing passwords can't hurt.