
Les Orchard mastodon (AP)

You know what I want? Smart glasses.

But not, like, glasses with cameras and speakers in the frames. I mean glasses that can change focus and prescription on demand so that I don't have to juggle multiple pairs of glasses because I'm apparently old.

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Cat Lady Kem mastodon (AP)

YES PLEASE. I have wanted this for years. Decades, even.

My vision needs change over the course of every day as my eye muscles get weary, AND fluctuate day to day.

It'd be so nice not to have to go through a morning routine of β€œwhich glasses work today?”

If binoculars can be adjusted on the fly for crystal clear focus at different distances, surely prescription eyeglasses could be made that way, but the adjustable ones on the market now don't even come close.

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Pippin friendica
@Kem writes stories @Les Orchard Oh yes, it would be so nice not to have to be stuck with something that corrected whatever my eyes happened to be doing the day I went to the optician. I feel sure my prescription changes depending on some very variable things like tiredness and hydration levels.

Time awake.

My eyes change focus predictably throughout the day. (EDIT: so do y'all's, from previous posts - mine actually get better the later in the day)

This entry was edited (3 months ago)