
With systemd now poised to replace sudo as well I can't help but be a little bitter about the way in which the concerns about systemd being an ever-scope-creeping behemoth of attack surface area controlled by one (admittedly rather unpleasant) person were swept to the margins and everyone pushed forward with it like nobody cared, and now our modern Linux distro choices just treat it like an inevitability and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it because it was "already decided" years ago
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Pippin friendica
I can only think that people were looking at sysvinit and thinking it was "too old" (and I mean, yes, there are things that could be improved) and when something, anything, came along that could replace it (and had the marketing to reach them), they just bought into it without looking at any other alternatives. Personally I'm keeping systemd off all my machines for as long as Debian still works without it. I'd rather run (something similar to) unix, rather than the OS-in-one-binary that systemd seems to want to be. Not sure what I'll do if/when Debian goes bad too. (Hopefully there will be someone willing to maintain sysvinit/runit/openrc for the forseeable future.)