
Pippin friendica

This is why, when posts come round saying a particular person should be ignored or banned, or no one should do business with a particular artist, or a server ought to be defederated, or a company should be boycotted, or whatever else, even if there are links to "receipts" (which are usually very inconclusive and would require me to know the people involved or at least the community they interact with to know what's "normal" there), it's often entirely meaningless to me. But it sometimes takes up a fair bit of my personal bandwidth to figure out that it's something I can't make a call on while I'm scrolling through my timeline.

one party will make a long and detailed callout in public, accusing the other of abuse or something
then the other, hurt, will feel the need to defend themselves and respond with their own callout and accusations
who's right? no one knows! chances are it's a very shitty situation and the responsibility is simultaneously shared and inexistent

but here's the problem: I don't know you, as an outsider I cannot judge the situation and it is none of my business anyway
but this kind of public shit flinging is basically asking complete strangers to be the judges
this isn't how you resolve a conflict, if anything that's escalation towards more irreparable damage