
Pippin friendica
Ughhhhhh, am I being entirely stupid for thinking I could actually get something done in time for ConFuzzled this year? It's looking very much like it. :(
Durandal mastodon (AP)
πŸ™ there's still, uh... one day...
Pippin friendica
@Durandal There are *so* *many* *things* I ought to be using this one remaining day for I could use it up a dozen times, I'm sure. (Don't worry, I'm sure I'll moan at you about a huge number of things over the next week! I'll try not to be too depressing… πŸ˜‰)
Durandal mastodon (AP)

Oh I've got enough things to moan about myself too, yaay πŸ˜‰

(I'll try to keep it at a minimum though, the whole point of Confuzzled is to live in a different universe for a bit)

I hope you manage to get some of them done at least.

Pippin friendica
@Durandal Thank you! I'm not sure how much I'll be able to avoid it - other than family I have pretty much no social contact outside of CFz these days, so I have a year's worth of infodumps and stuff to get out πŸ˜‰
Pippin friendica

Okay, well it looks like I've actually managed to do at least *something*!

(If you can't see all 10 attached pictures, try opening it on the original instance.)

Without, in particular, a head, I'm unlikely to show this off in public at ConFuzzled, but I'll certainly bring it, so maybe in private? Hopefully after this burst of progress after literal years of having the zip half-sewn in, I'll make the time to do the head/tail/feet within the next few months and maybe bring it to a Londonfurs meet sometime. That would be good.

Pippin friendica

I think I have to admit defeat, I do not have the time to remake Jungle Fury Blue's neck. I will just have to live with it being slightly pink any time he appears at the con. A talking point, maybe? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I've been getting too stressed and panicky about being ready by tomorrow, I need to *just* pack now, and not try to achieve anything else. Panic and stress are not desirable outcomes of going to ConFuzzled. Desirable outcomes are to see friends, hug anyone reading this who I don't know yet (please, if I haven't met you before and you're going, I'd like to meet you!), and wear stupid costumes! 😁

I am excited to hopefully see you and say hi and exchange hugs!