
Jencen mastodon (AP)

Also.... If you are going to make your steam name a meme... FOR THE LOVE OF BISCUITS PUT SOMETHING IN YOUR STEAM BIO THAT TELLS PEOPLE WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE!!!!

Just scrubbed 3 people off my (quite small) friends list because they've all changed names since being added..... and now I don't know who they are!

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Pippin friendica
This is true everywhere, not just on Steam! *sigh*
I've taken to adding personal notes to the names, so for instance the three people on my list who have the display name 'PG' all have their actual names in brackets after them.
Jencen mastodon (AP)

@jacel TBH it's such a rarely used feature I just disabled it these days.
Obviously steam keeps logging me back in and I don't notice o.<

I now.know about the feature to add details. But really don't feel the onus should be on me to ensure people are identifiable o.<
Just a note in a bio or something helps. O.<

oh, yeah, it shouldn't be on you.

But people are people and they aren't going to make any effort c.c

Tufty Indigo mastodon (AP)
I use the "Add nickname" thing in Steam's friends list to avoid this very problem. If you do it to everyone as soon as you friend them, they can meme their names as much as they like and you'll still know who is who.
Jencen mastodon (AP)

@tuftyindigo don't think it was a thing when I started using steam..... And most of the friends were added. So didn't know it was a thing until I went looking.

As a social thing I barely use it. I have all of 17 people on there. Most of whom are nice enough to leave names the same, or only add suffixes. It shouldn't be up to me to update the ID info on everyone o.o

TBH I thought I had it permanently logged out. Which is probably what I'll do next time I'm on. Anyone on my list has my other contact deets. And I don't play online. So.... It's a pointless system for me o.o

Steam can show you previous user names used on their Steam, there's a drop down arrow on the profile page next to their names, I always check through this list, except for the cases where it's blank because you can erase previous user names from your settings list, or if you've never changed it once.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Jencen mastodon (AP)
@Alkaris yup. Went through and all blank. And I know the names have been changed.