
Pippin friendica

Ugh. I posted a small thread using Tusky, earlier, and for some reason it decided to post it private. Not friends-only or even mutuals-only, I mean *completely* private. Me only. (I can only guess I set it like that for a post in the past, and it's remembered it forever.) No wonder no one responded. I wonder how many times it's done that before now. Oh well, here it is again:

Watching Ron's Gone Wrong again. Again again. I realised, with this film being about friends, it's about how… depth is more important than surface area. I guess I just like stories about making friends. Something I want to have done but find so difficult to actually do. At least, when it comes to depth rather than just surface area.

[Ron]: A bird has commented on your face.

I watch and read these stories about friendships and they make me feel I've never had an actual real close friend in my life, never really had more than moderate acquaintances, but I don't know whether that's true or if what's being shown in the stories is actually unrealistically good friendships or not. I always assumed many people did have friends as close as that.

Matt Sqwrl mastodon (AP)
What do you feel like you’ve been missing?
Pippin friendica

@Matt Sqwrl Now there's a question I don't know how to answer.

Everything? :/ I don't know.

Matt Sqwrl mastodon (AP)
Close friends aren’t common, I’m lucky if I have one in my life at any given time.
Pippin friendica
@Matt Sqwrl I'm sorry, I don't really know what to say, I'm just depressed and lonely and kind of trapped looking after very elderly parents and almost everyone else seems to have a partner (the best kind of close friend, surely) and I've never had that, and I want that so much.
Matt Sqwrl mastodon (AP)
Yes it’s not much fun being single as you get older. =( Sounds like a tough situation. Am I right in thinking I’ve seen you on vr chat?
Pippin friendica
@Matt Sqwrl No, I haven't really used vr chat at all. I did try it once quite a few years ago, looked around a few worlds, but never actually talked to anyone.
Matt Sqwrl mastodon (AP)
Just hit up some furries first. I keep thinking I should chill om there when I'm busy watching YouTube and stuff
Pippin friendica
@Matt Sqwrl Apart from social anxiety making it hard to talk to people anyway, it seems VR Chat now needs me to voluntarily rootkit my machine before I'm allowed to use it. (I last tried it 3 years ago, apparently.) Seems they're worried I might cheat at socialising. Do you know if many people use other "chat in VR" things (Neos and Resonite I think are similar?)
Matt Sqwrl mastodon (AP)
I think Neos imploded, the main dev moved to Resonite. Not sure how many users. VRC had a lot of problems with people modding clients so they could do obnoxious stuff, flashing images, noises, crash your game etc so yeah it got that anti cheat stuff.