
Pippin friendica
On my way to Mitcham for the carnival. 😊
Pippin friendica

Okay, that was a rather nice time! From the moment I got there I was swamped with people wanting photos. Walked around the showground once or twice, had a lot of nice encounters and a small number where I wasn't sure what was going on but none that were actually bad, which is good. πŸ™‚

No time for pictures while I was there, but I did get a few on the way home.

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Cheetah Obscura β€’ mastodon (AP)
Yay! Glad ya had a fun time!
Pippin friendica
@Cheetah Obscura Thank you, I did indeed! πŸ€—
Pippin friendica
Amazing how similar this area now looks, in the summer, to Mediterranian regions. When I was young we had to go to Spain to see scraggly dried-up grass scorching in the sun everywhere like this…
Pippin friendica
And when I finally got home… exhausted! Collapse.
Arakin β€’ mastodon (AP)
glad you had a great time :)
And that first photo puts me in mind of the first Marvel's Spider-Man game, where you're treated to images of the webslinger as he takes public transport to fast-travel around the map πŸ˜€
Croc (formerly @microdile) β€’ mastodon (AP)


Mostly I'm not into superheroes, but Spider-Man has always been an exception. You definitely make a very attractive version. :)

Cheetah Obscura β€’ mastodon (AP)
@croc Spidey is definitely the best! <3
Pippin friendica

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