
Pippin friendica

More interesting brain stuff that's probably come too late for my mum's Alzheimers', but will hopefully lead to better treatments in the future.

Twig mastodon (AP)
@sambowne it’s fascinating to me how often I’ve come across 40Hz as a frequency that brains use to flush fluids through them, for years now. Not even direct stimulation, just sound and light. If it’s really that easy to prevent/treat certain brain disorders, that’s wild.
Pippin friendica
@Twig @Sam Bowne :donor: Huh, I wonder if there's any connection with photosensitive epilepsy. Could 40Hz be a significant frequency in that too, I wonder. Hmm.
Twig mastodon (AP)
@sambowne interesting idea. A quick google brings up results in the 10-30Hz range, but it does go as high as 60Hz. So there’s some overlap but hard to guess at whether the mechanisms are related.