
Pippin friendica

Maybe I need to get some bear stuff. Maybe that's what I'm missing. I've wanted a bearsuit for decades now and still haven't got that far, but maybe random small bear stuff would help.

Bear painting on wood for #anthrocon art show! I'm so happy with how it turned out. Our bear friend is using some nature magic to grow a new tree to heal the forest.

Edit to add: this wood was acquired second hand and reused!

yes get cute fuzzy bear things!
Pippin friendica
@Kitt / Basil 🌻 I should! (I don't know what, though, or where from, or anything. I've never been one for trinkets and ornaments… Maybe I need to ask family for bear stuff for xmas. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ)
that's a good idea! Gifting people their favorite animal is fun