
Pippin friendica

So, my laptop might need its keyboard replacing; the W and O keys both seem to be going wonky - smetimes not registering, ther times registering *after* I hit the next key, transposing them. I know why the W is giong: Minecraft. Not sure why the O is, though.

So, I look at the handy-dandy service manual.


(Grr. I wonder if there's a way to fix it from the front…)

Pippin friendica
Phew, looks like there might well have been a way to fix it from the front! I found a video showing technique for removing keycaps without breaking them, which worked nicely. One of the problem keys (the 9) I just took off and put back on, and it seems to be working much better now… no idea why. ("Reseat" is a recognised maintenance procedure though, of course…) The other ones, the W and O keys, I found quite a bit of fluff under. Cleaned out and replaced, it's looking good so far! I really ought to remember the lesson I've learned from watching many episodes of The Repair Shop: 90+% of repairs are actually just a small matter of cleaning ;>