
Some fiber providers are now talking about offering 50 gigabit to the home.

Mother fuckers, ZOMGWTFBBQ? I've been delivering FTTH since 2015, and I have the fucking bandwidth usage charts to prove this next statement: NO ONE NEEDS 50 FUCKING GIGABIT TO THEIR HOME!!!!!!

Instead of trying to go needlessly faster, how about we focus on actually delivering a good product worldwide? Lets just admit that 1 gigabit is good enough, and should be the goal everywhere. Let entities that actually need more bandwidth gets ELINE, or Dark Fiber, or whatever DIA solution can accommodate their need for 10, 25, 40, 100, etc gigabit.

Because this fucking arms race to deliver insane speeds to residences with 2-6 occupants is fucking wasteful as hell.

Oh wait, everything I just said would require us to re-examine our growth addicted economy. Yeah, cause that'll happen.

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Ret mastodon (AP)
I just want better than a 1:10 upload ratio :(
Ret mastodon (AP)
Openreach (UK) run GPON here and they could easily offer something very sensible like 150/150 or 300/300, but they simply don't want to compromise the sales of their (very expensive) Generic Ethernet products. Instead, consumers are stuck with ridiculous things like 100/30 on the low end and 900/120 on the high end.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
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ToroidalCore mastodon (AP)

@ret My parents have a 200/200 fiber package, and it works fine. Plenty fast enough, and the upload is great.

I'm on 500/20 cable, and running off-site backups is a pain.

Ret mastodon (AP)
@toroidalcore that is an insulting ratio. Pretty sure that's at the point where the TCP reply rate @ 500Mbps will throttle your download...
Pippin friendica

I've just got the Openreach line at my new home configured with a 115/20 service, but I'm considering getting Swish to install a line here too and relegate the openwretch line to be a backup, because AFAICT Swish's services are all symmetric.

Why anyone would install a fibre access network with asymmetric capacity I don't know (unlike DOCSIS or DSL it'd have to be a deliberate choice, surely?), and if the access network is symmetric, why would they not offer symmetric services? Presumably only to be able to keep selling overpriced symmetric services as "enterprise solutions"!

(I want to be able to stick a small server rack in the garage for non-critical stuff to save a bit on datacentre costs, and some outbound capacity would help. Even for that I doubt I'll need 1Gbps. Heck, even my datacentre racks only have 1Gbps BGP uplinks and I've only recently been feeling it might be worth upgrading — and that's only because of the risks of DDoS attacks and/or a greedy 1Gbps+ home user saturating one of those uplinks…)