
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)

A chee in limb toobs! 💜 #FursuitFriday

Photo by @Oppiz

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Jencen mastodon (AP)

ooooh. Good look!

Also.... Gives me an idea on how to hide the gap between my paws and arms on my suit! >.>

Leina mastodon (AP)
@Jencen I'm thinking the same! The bodysuit on mine doesn't fit so well anymore, so these would be handy for partials!
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
@Bowsette @Jencen Arm warmers and stockings are fantastic for covering up your arms and legs when partialling too! ❤
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
@Jencen Thank ya! Is definitely a wonderful look! ^^
Shadow Cheetah mastodon (AP)
Five tubes, including the chee tube!
Shadow Cheetah mastodon (AP)
A cat tube is a you tube! So tubular!
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
@shadowcheets I'm totally tubular! Feelin' extra 80s! XD
Pippin friendica
@Shadow Cheetah @Cheetah Obscura No tail toob though? Then there could be six toobs.
Cheetah Obscura mastodon (AP)
@pippin @shadowcheets Ooooooh! A tail toob would be a lot of fun!