
Pippin friendica

Aaaand checked out of ConFuzzled 2024. Sad face.

I'm most probably going to hang around for most of the day until Dead Dog, then drive home late this evening. If you want to meet I'm at the back of the bar area at the moment, might be more in the foyer at times. Being a Spidey, I am fairly recognisable! πŸ˜‰

Pippin friendica

Definitely reconsidering staying until evening. I might trundle off sooner as there's not really a lot of reason to stay.

Most people I know have gone and I'm really not sure dead dog and any staff after-party are worth the wait. Plus I'm getting hungry and I have nowhere to change other than… in the car. Hmm!

Pippin friendica
Yeah, probably leaving quite soon now. Maybe by 4pm.
Pippin friendica
While I hung around in the lobby in the early afternoon I grabbed some pics in front of the ConFuzzled banner (before they removed it). I also started feeling rather hungry and realised I had no idea what I was going to do for food today.
Pippin friendica

In the end, as I didn't have anywhere private to change, I just took my mask/hood/faceshell/lenses off in the car, tucked the hood in, and drove home in headless Spidey mode.

I stopped off to buy lunch at a Sainsbury's Local/petrol station, where several people commented (favourably) on the suit. Rather than eat while taking up one of their limited parking spaces I moved on to a free local council car park. As I was eating, a car parked beside mine and a dad got out with a small child and I heard "yes look, it's Spider-Man! And he's eating… a…sandwich…" I waved and said hi and "if you give me a minute I'll put my mask on" and they seemed to like it. πŸ˜πŸ‘ (I should have prompted them to get a pic as I'm sure they're kicking themselves now for not having done so.)

I stopped off briefly a couple more times on the way home. Saw people looking a few times, think there were one or two more nice comments!

I'm still not in love with going headless, but I had to to drive safely, and people did respond positively even so. Also now my parents, sisters, nibblings, and a couple who my sisters know who happened to be there, have all seen me in headless Spidey mode and acceptance rate is 100% so far. Wheeee.

So, ended up staying in suit from just before I checked out (about 1.30pm) until getting ready for bed time (near midnight). Admittedly with bare face a lot of that time, but still, attached shoes and gloves, plus my feet were still damp the whole day from when I was carrying my stuff to the car while it was trying to rain and the ground was wet.

Pippin friendica
And finally, bed time. (No, I did change before getting in πŸ˜‰)
Skintight Chee mastodon (AP)
Hee! Sounds like a fun day!
Pippin friendica
@Skintight Chee Indeed! Wish I'd been able to be in full suit more of it… although being headless meant not having to make any changes to eat or drink, which makes things more consistent. So there are advantages, but that doesn't mean I don't still want my Spidey-face all the time instead of my dumb human one.
Skintight Chee mastodon (AP)
I feel that for sure - Spidey and fluffy faces are much better, but the human face is good for eating and driving! XD