
Pippin friendica

Many years ago, I starting to make a Factorio Let's Play series. I remembered it being really dumb and awful, but I just rewatched the first three episodes and it's actually not so bad. The volume is very low on episode 1 and I do spend a stupid amount of time explaining things far too slowly and repetitively at first, but actually it's otherwise okay once I got going.

I only did 5 episodes as no one was really watching (I think one of them was still on zero views a few days after upload, which was disheartening - it looks like there have been a few views over the years, but it's still in single digits) and I was running out of steam.

Could I have made it as a youtuber? Eh, probably not. It was an interesting thing to try though.

Cinnamon Vector mastodon (AP)
I remember these!
Pippin friendica
@Cinnamon Vector Wow, that's unexpected! I wasn't really aware anyone had even noticed it, so to be something you actually remember is amazing, thank you! :)
Kat the Leopardess mastodon (AP)
I still have yet to purchase this game. (Me and another peer are waiting for a sale)
Pippin friendica
@Kat the Leopardess Ah, you might be waiting a very long time then, as Wube (the developers) have a "no sale" policy which as far as I'm aware they've always stuck to. The price has never gone down, only (very occasionally) up. https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/016-price-change
Kat the Leopardess mastodon (AP)
I was thinking more of the Steam sales that happen at times
Pippin friendica
@Kat the Leopardess They don't participate in those either I'm afraid.
Pippin friendica
@Kat the Leopardess Yeah, sorry. It is at least a policy that gives some certainty, you can be sure you won't buy it and then wished you'd waited a bit longer when a sale comes along.