
Pippin friendica

Anyone in south-west London TOMORROW who'd want to come to Mitcham Carnival with me?

I'm going to do the same as last year, and could do with someone to take a few pics (I don't get the chance myself, really) and maybe help a bit with "managing" the people wanting to get photos with Spidey!

I probably won't stay all day, more likely just a couple of hours or so, and it's mainly when I first arrive that help would be most welcome, so it could just be for a short time.

A long shot, I know, and a bit late to ask, but… I have to ask, just in case.

Okay, that was a rather nice time! From the moment I got there I was swamped with people wanting photos. Walked around the showground once or twice, had a lot of nice encounters and a small number where I wasn't sure what was going on but none that were actually bad, which is good. πŸ™‚

No time for pictures while I was there, but I did get a few on the way home.