
Pippin friendica
Jesus Christ scammers are getting even more obnoxious. Phone call on the landline at 2am from someone claiming to be from a fraud department of a bank which none of us bank with. Clearly hoping they can catch people off-guard because they're half asleep and being told their money is all being siphoned off and they need to do what the scammer says with not a moment's hesitation or they'll lose everything. They can absolutely throw themselves into the sun. Who the hell can even live with themselves doing that for a living?
6 2
I imagine the piles of stolen money help... But they shouldn't.
Pippin friendica
@Phil M0OFX While climate change is a big problem, there are parts of our species that I wouldn't mind at all if they ended up extinct.
Delta Wye mastodon (AP)

What’s awful too is they are successful way too often.

Knew an extremely (β€œbook”) smart person who was almost ripped off for over $1000 in MoneyPack cards from the β€œIRS”.

The lady running the register at the store asked him bluntly if he received a phone call from the IRS or FBI. He said β€œyes”, she told him to put those cards back on the display.

I had the same thing happen to me recently β€” at the most random time and pressuring me to do stuff with the most threatening words they could imagine. Little did they know I'm educated on YouTube lol