
Pippin friendica

How do we get an international law made to prevent governments using our money to subsidise the extraction and use of oil and other fosil fuels? It's a matter of the survival of our species.

🚨 We are in a climate emergency. 🚨 Alarm bells are ringing. Scientists shout that we must urgently make drastic changes to stave off complete disaster.

And yet our leaders, our rulers, act as if they can't hear a thing.

This October was the hottest on record globally, 1.7 degrees Celsius (3.1 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the pre-industrial average for the month — and the fifth straight month with such a mark in what will now almost certainly be the warmest year ever recorded.

"The amount that we're smashing records by is shocking," said Samantha Burgess, deputy director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service. After the cumulative warming of these past several months, it's virtually guaranteed that 2023 will be the hottest year on record, according to Copernicus.

A warmer planet means more extreme and intense weather events like severe drought or hurricanes that hold more water, said Peter Schlosser, vice president and vice provost of the Global Futures Laboratory at Arizona State University.

Schlosser said that the planet is already exceeding the 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) of warming since pre-industrial times that the Paris agreement was aimed at capping, and that the planet hasn't yet seen the full impact of that warming. Now, he, Burgess and other scientists say, the need for action — to stop planet-warming emissions — is urgent.

"It's so much more expensive to keep burning these fossil fuels than it would be to stop doing it. That's basically what it shows," said Friederike Otto, a climate scientist at Imperial College London. "And of course, you don't see that when you just look at the records being broken and not at the people and systems that are suffering, but that — that is what matters."

FULL ARTICLE -- https://phys.org/news/2023-11-october-obliterated-temperature-virtually-hottest.html

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency

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Teop Versant mastodon (AP)
@breadandcircuses That is what the vote is meant to do.
This is what voting would do in a state with well-educated citizens and free, fair elections. The biggest offenders do not have those, and having both is crucial.
Teop Versant mastodon (AP)
@BlakeL @breadandcircuses You feel like the vote is less effective because everybody is not well educated?
People are not voting for their best interests because they don't know any better. In this specific case, just enough of the general populace isn't connecting the dots about the catastrophic events and the changing climate (or are simply short-sighted), and so they're voting for candidates who are openly against the changes we need.
Teop Versant mastodon (AP)
@BlakeL @breadandcircuses Or because they allow politicians to divide and conquer their best interest via the two party system. They believe the way the party believes, no independent thinking allowed. In America we welcome this polarization.

That's the "free and fair elections" part.

The United States does not have free nor fair elections. I hope you understand that. You explained why elections are not fair; as to the free part, you literally have to pay for it in many cases, and at least jump through hoops to be allowed to vote, even though you're eligible as a citizen over 18; this is called voter registration (which is a form of voter suppression), and many if not all democracies in Europe got rid of it because it's unnecessary.

This entry was edited (7 months ago)
Teop Versant mastodon (AP)
@BlakeL @breadandcircuses I am a registered voter in the United States because it is my civic duty. I choose to not vote on election day because everybody lies.
That's what they want you to do.
Teop Versant mastodon (AP)
@BlakeL @breadandcircuses The politicians demonstrate total control. We vote, they get in office and do as they please. Rinse and repeat.

No "international law" is enforceable, because the enforcers are the ones committing the crimes. Not the Geneva Convention, not the Paris climate accords, and to be honest probably not even NATO.

You'd have to have at least one "good" country use military force, but they'd be declaring war on the US and/or China -- basically suicide. Good luck getting anyone to do that.

No "international law" is enforceable, because the enforcers are the ones committing the crimes. Not the Geneva Convention, not the Paris climate accords, and to be honest probably not even NATO.

You'd have to have at least one "good" country use military force, but they'd be declaring war on the US and/or China -- basically suicide. Good luck getting anyone to do that.

Brian Watson mastodon (AP)
@breadandcircuses I 100% agree that we are in a climate emergency, but that's not a good chart to demonstrate it. My interpretation of that chart is that climate change is cyclical - from 1940 to 2000 we had a period of cooling and now we're in a period of warming..