
Pippin friendica


Would it be a good idea if we stopped referring to "the climate crisis" as if it were a being in its own right, separate from humanity and for some reason trying to screw us all out of a habitable biosphere? Maybe instead we could talk about tackling the menace of the petroleum industry, since they are basically the cause of pretty much the entire crisis.

"The figures underline the fact that after 27 annual meetings of the convention, all the efforts of nearly 200 member states to tackle the menace of the climate crisis have been a failure, so far. The situation continues to get worse ever more rapidly." #COP28 https://www.theguardian.com/news/2023/nov/24/co2-readings-from-mauna-loa-show-failure-to-combat-climate-change

Pippin friendica
@ArtBear on Mastodon @Andy Scollick It is all interlinked, true. The effects on the climate are about the worst aspect.
Pippin friendica
@ArtBear on Mastodon @Andy Scollick Yes! I have to spend most of my day pretending it doesn't just to go on with daily life, but… yes. :(