
RevK :verified_r: mastodon (AP)

I hate to link to X [changed to nitter.net now], but the video really does say it how it is.

Very very worrying state of affairs in the UK


This entry was edited (6 months ago)
1 1
replace "twitter.com" with "nitter.net" keep the rest of the path the same.
localzuk mastodon (AP)
makes me ashamed to be British tbh.
RevK :verified_r: mastodon (AP)

You are not alone.

I mean I don't even understand the whole Rwanda thing anyway. Just process asylum seekers quickly and efficiently here, surely it is not that complicated, is it? and would be way cheaper to just get on with it?

Same with the boats crossing - give them a safe way to get here and you don't have people trafficking! Ferry tickets at Calais. Simple!

Some of the politicians that are so hostile were themselves or their parents fleeing here for safety, as I understand it.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
RevK :verified_r: mastodon (AP)

If this country does not want so many refugees (which is a wonder given that we are mostly immigrants if we go back far enough), the answer is a sane foreign policy that works internationally to reduce conflict in the first place. It is long term and hard work, but means working internationally, not breaking international treaties and international law.

Sorry if I have gone a tad political. But these policies now only make sense if there is an ulterior motive, probably money related.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
@localzuk IMHO we have no business complaining about refugees while we allow/facilitate arms trading and do bugger all about climate change. Our country's actions are directly creating refugees.
localzuk mastodon (AP)

That's the thing with all this. Its performative. Its a manufactured crisis. In reality, there are a list of simple and effective things the govt could do to remedy the small boats issue. But, they don't actually want or need to. They need the crisis. They need to look like everyone else is out to stop them. Make those boogeymen.

Its the right-wing playbook. Blame everyone else for things they caused.

Julian Beach mastodon (AP)
Rwanda is not just about processing - if the processing determines a right to asylum, that right is met in Rwanda, not in the UK.
RevK :verified_r: mastodon (AP)
@trink_uk @localzuk OK now I understand it even less. One of the reasons people are seeking asylum in the UK is because they have friends or relatives here, is it not? How is granting asylum โ€œin Rwandaโ€ helpful? It makes no sense.
Julian Beach mastodon (AP)
I don't think it is supposed to make sense. It is all about kicking people when they are down. Rwanda is supposed to be both so terrible that no-one will try to enter the UK illegally and a great and safe place to send asylum seekers.
localzuk mastodon (AP)

@trink_uk what makes it even less understandable? It's reciprocal. They send us people each time we send them.

So, we don't actually end up with fewer people coming to the country.

RevK :verified_r: mastodon (AP)
@localzuk @trink_uk So we get people that want to actually be in Rwanda, and Rwanda get people that want to be in the UK? And this is at some great extra cost. It makes no sense whatsoever.
localzuk mastodon (AP)
@trink_uk it makes sense in only one way. That the point is cruelty.
Adam Dalliance mastodon (AP)

@trink_uk @localzuk

Yeah, it's not supposed to be helpful, it's supposed to be performatively cruel and "send a message" through the law to act as a deterrent.

They aren't trying to save money by processing in a poorer country, they are trying to disincentivize people applying for asylum here at all.

Apparently they think the risk of drowning in an angry ocean doesn't work as deterrent enough so they need to be sure to add extra punishment on top of the threat of death.

They are all quite mad.

Ian Davis mastodon (AP)
I presume the policy is solely designed to address psychological issues within two target groups. A totem and vote winner/retainer aimed at people who want to see 'others' rejected and an offputting thing for anyone migrating, so as to aim to reduce arriving refugees in an age of increasing mass migration and displacement.