Still keep seeing articles about #heatpumps not being suitable for UK homes. Well, the new air source heat pump installed in my home over the summer seems to be working just fine.
It had its first real test at the weekend when it reached 3C overnight. The inside temp never dropped below 17.5C and comfortably maintained 18.5-19C throughout the day, and did so using less than a quarter of the energy than a typical winter's day last year when we heated our home with gas.
And no CO2!
Incredible how ignorant UK media is on Heat Pumps.
If there's something we Finns know it must be #heating.
And if #HeatPumps did not work in cold climates why on earth would Finland invest 35 times as much on heat pumps (per capita) compared to UK...
Finland has become a Heat Pump Superpower. HPs produce 14 TWh/a, 16 % of the heating of Finland (80 TWh/a) according to the Finland's Country report to IEA HPC – SULPU
Jussi Hirvonen (Suomen Lämpöpumppuyhdistys)