
Jay Lee mastodon (AP)
Getting an MRI is like attending a Kraftwerk concert while being sealed in an illuminated plastic coffin.
King Calyo Delphi mastodon (AP)

@avoca I am actually a little bit terrified and awe struck that engineers design absurd contraptions like this, put a sleek plastic cowling around it, and call it the ultimate medical technology.

(Edit: also that video is a CT scanner. MRI machines work via radically different and even wilder physics.)

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
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AN/CRM-114 mastodon (AP)
the last time I had an MRI I was grateful for an hour block of time when nobody could reach me, so the experience was more like going to a spa inside an old hard drive
Delta Wye mastodon (AP)
@flyingsaceur Hahahaha that’s a great way to describe it. Wow.