
Debian mastodon (AP)
The Debian Publicity Team will no longer post on X/Twitter. We took this decision since we feel X doesn't reflect Debian shared values as stated in our social contract, code of conduct and diversity statement. X evolved into a place where people we care about don't feel safe. You are very much invited to follow us on https://bits.debian.org , on https://micronews.debian.org/ , or any media as listed on https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Publicity/otherSN #debian
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Américo Rocha mastodon (AP)
Way to go @debian . Cheers
Maki mastodon (AP)
Thank you for making this move.
Ben Zanin mastodon (AP)
thank you.
Kit Malone mastodon (AP)
so happy to see my favorite Linux distro making this choice. Thank you.
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Paulo Trindade mastodon (AP)
❤️ Debian
Scott Dickson mastodon (AP)
A sound decision.
pietro mastodon (AP)
glad to hear that
goxonline mastodon (AP)
This is the way!
could you please go to https://openportability.org/ to tell the platform about your account on X / Masto / Bluesky (if applicable) so that other people who migrate can follow you automagically? ❤
🇨🇦 Dianne S mastodon (AP)
Good decision. TBH, I had no idea you even were on Twitter.
Debian's social contract is why I prefer debian to all other linuxes.
Frank Heijkamp mastodon (AP)
A very good move!
Tofu Golem mastodon (AP)
Should have done this the moment Space Karen started unbanning Nazis and making changes to the moderation.
Simon Deutschl mastodon (AP)
Good to read. Thank you 👏
effariwhy mastodon (AP)
great news, thank you
Draken BlackKnight mastodon (AP)
Now do Meta's spyware "services" since they want to censor any post mentioning anything Linux.
Can you do the same thing for Meta profile please?

There isn't a too late in this regard. Glad you've switched. Please don't limit it to the birdsite and abandon all silos. Time to reclaim the web and make sure this doesn't happen again.

No more silos. No more big tech. No more Space Karens..

Federate, decentralize || GTFO

Good decision. Thank you for this move.
lord pthenq1 mastodon (AP)
Chiques, Debian se fue de X. Siganlo en @debian
tim_w mastodon (AP)
good decision, thank you for making it.
Linknation mastodon (AP)
sad but correct decision use #mastodon or try to get a #pixelfed account?
Payne747 mastodon (AP)
yay! Any news on Bluesky at all?
Finns End mastodon (AP)
Good decision.
aliceigl mastodon (AP)
@augustocc seguindo o exemplo do br-linux
Antimundo mastodon (AP)
Thanks for supporting libre social networks, I appreciate this.
Marcus mastodon (AP)
It really sucks that this is a step that has to be taken, given how big that platform is, but I completely understand. Much of the content on Twitter these days seems to run completely counter to point 1 of the code of conduct (Be respectful). I deleted my Twitter some time ago after the Musk takeover because I couldn't scroll for more than just a minute without seeing hateful content from people I wasn't even following being "recommended" to me.

Really? You had no problems with having debconf hosted in the Zionist state. You even refer to that illegal entity by the name "Israel". Does the Debian project have the same values as the Zionist state?
I understand a free software project not wanting to be on a proprietary platform, but this is ridiculous.

#debian #freesoftware #freedom #zionism #Zionist #palestine #free_palestine #foss #opensource #tech #technology #politics

SpaceLifeForm mastodon (AP)

This is how you do it.

More people need to leave too.

#Debian #Linux

Mike mastodon (AP)
Good move
culpaplex mastodon (AP)
It's great to see all these organizations coming around to making the right decision pretty much immediately after the consequences of their failure to do it when it was necessary manifest.
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s0nlx mastodon (AP)

I couldn't believe the replies on Twitter almost all of them calling this a woke move. Maybe all of them are bots?

Either way, fuckin A! Well done y'all!

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Will Dormann mastodon (AP)
Smart move.
quoll (√) mastodon (AP)
noice one 👍
Patrick mastodon (AP)
can you please be officially on Bluesky too, thanks :)
Khrys mastodon (AP)
EGroupware mastodon (AP)
@debian Thank you! 👏
🆃ⓔ🅓🅓🅈 mastodon (AP)
thanks ! 👍🏽
d4gli mastodon (AP)

Sad moment - this will exclude so many people (especially beginners). Guess other Debian based distributions will happily catch those people.

By doing it this way, you should at least leave all non-opensource platforms.


Jef mastodon (AP)
Thank you.
OSIRIS mastodon (AP)
Great! But how can it possibly have taken this long?
Dam H. mastodon (AP)
I am pretty confident there is not so much work to make https://micronews.debian.org/ activityPub compatible :)
Anyone ?
LucKey Productions mastodon (AP)
Right decision for the wrong reasons.
geobit mastodon (AP)
thanks to break out from #neoreactionaries and continue supporting #democratic values.
You still are my favourite #distro team!
TronNerd82 mastodon (AP)
Common Debian W. Great distro (tho I'm more of a Slackware guy), great team, great social values. Everyone with a brain should leave Twitter to rot. :)
Chris Lee mastodon (AP)
we appreciate your act of solidarity against X. We also understand how hard it is to loose that audience and hope they migrate with you. Please know that you have my support as an 18 year user.
Tobi mastodon (AP)
Very good decision, thank you very much, publicity team!