Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run.Debian Project
Will this account be promoted to official status?
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There isn't a too late in this regard. Glad you've switched. Please don't limit it to the birdsite and abandon all silos. Time to reclaim the web and make sure this doesn't happen again.
No more silos. No more big tech. No more Space Karens..
Federate, decentralize || GTFO
Really? You had no problems with having debconf hosted in the Zionist state. You even refer to that illegal entity by the name "Israel". Does the Debian project have the same values as the Zionist state?
I understand a free software project not wanting to be on a proprietary platform, but this is ridiculous.
#debian #freesoftware #freedom #zionism #Zionist #palestine #free_palestine #foss #opensource #tech #technology #politics
I couldn't believe the replies on Twitter almost all of them calling this a woke move. Maybe all of them are bots?
Either way, fuckin A! Well done y'all!
Sad moment - this will exclude so many people (especially beginners). Guess other Debian based distributions will happily catch those people.
By doing it this way, you should at least leave all non-opensource platforms.